The Meaning of "Holiday", Now

This is a very old post from my blog; so old that it was originally hosted on LiveJournal. The page has been preserved in case its content is of any interest, but formatting errors are likely and the page's original comments have been lost. Please go back to the homepage to see the current contents of this site.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there stood children where now there stand adults. For them, holidays were wonderous times when there was no school, no work to do, just day after day of seeing all our friends and having fun. They were always together, always with each other.

The future abducted them and took them far away, to other places and other friends they’d yet to make. They made those friends, and they made their new place their home. But just occasionally, once in a while, during the magical holiday seasons, they were able to return to their old homes, to see all their old friends and have fun and just for a while… to be always with each other again.

Those children were us, and we’re not children anymore.

The others have disappeared, back to their old homes, back to their old friends. But I… I’m staying. I have work to do; I can’t go back to that old home of mine. Now I stand alone in an empty house, a long month stretching ahead of me.

After all this time, holidays have inherited a new meaning: loneliness.

In a way, for some of those long-since-children this is their last holiday. When they all return to this city it’ll be well and truly Spring. Life will accelerate once more with the ever-blazing sun, urging them all on towards their next ending and their next new beginning. This summer their crysalis is over, they sprout wings of shining colours from their backs and launch themselves into adulthood.

When they look back at this time they spent together, what’ll they say? They had just day after day of seeing all their friends and having fun. They were always together, always with each other.

I used to be afraid of the future, you know. The thought of leaving all this behind still worries me a little, of course, but these days I’m less afraid. Summer’s coming, after all. The summertime of our lives.

While in secondary school, I thought of primary school as the best days of my life. When I came to Uni, I thought of secondary school as the best days of my life. Soon, I’ll be able to look back and say that my university days were the best days of my life.

All this goes to prove one thing.

Life never stops getting better and better!