Blog — Page 31
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
This e-mail was sent to Andrew Dumbreck at Ofcom on 16th September 2009. Dear Sir, I am writing to you regarding the document entitled “Enquiry to Ofcom from BBC Free to View Ltd concerning its DTT high definition multiplex licence”, which I have just been made aware of via an...
This letter was sent to Sir John Butterfill MP (Conservative, Bournemouth West) on 22nd April 2009. Dear Mr Butterfill, The content of the Government’s proposed Intercept Modernisation Programme and discussions regarding the creation of a central government database for recording internet traffic data have been brought to my attention by...
This letter was sent to Sir John Butterfill MP (Conservative, Bournemouth West) on 13th October 2009. Dear Sir John Butterfill, The Internet has been buzzing today with the news that the Guardian newspaper was prevented from publishing a question that is due to be answered by the Secretary of State...
EDIT: Victory. Original post follows: In the unlikely event that you haven’t already heard this, considering the crosses self blogosphere and Twitter are on fire with it: The Guardian newspaper has been blocked from reporting on a question being put to the House of Commons tomorrow, by London solicitors Carter-Ruck...
The deadline for responding to this proposal was Wednesday 16th September 2009. Since you are reading this after UK office hours on that date, it is probably too late for you to have your say. Sorry! DRM, on My BBC Broadcasts? It’s more likely than you think. </meme> It’s citizen...
Do I blog anything these days apart from new software? Oh well, here goes: “Full Width Facebook Lite” is possibly the world’s shortest Greasemonkey script: it simply removes the right-hand bar in the new Facebook Lite, thus removing the ad and the big white space, allowing the actual content to...
For the last few days I’ve been working on a simple web-based Twitter client, to fill the void between the simplicity of Twitter’s own web interface and the broken-in-IE6 complexity of BeTwittered and Seesmic Desktop’s web interface. It’s still under heavy development, and there are probably a ton of bugs...
“Forgotten Children” is an idea that’s been kicking around my head for a long while, and it’s always felt like it ought to be novel-length, albeit possibly a short novel. For several years I’ve laboured under the misapprehension that it might be publishable, and that if it was, I should...
This is a thought exercise around the idea of an idealised democracy. I do not pretend that it is likely to be achieved at any point, nor do intend to actively campaign for it. Your thoughts and comments are welcome. On the whole my country, the United Kingdom, does Democracy...
Yesterday Morning Stimuli: Coffee, Neuromancer Software items successfully written: 0 Yesterday Evening Stimuli: Curry, Beer Software items successfully written: 1 I leave you to draw your own conclusions.