Blog — Page 63
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
Ho-hum. Yes. Well. I have to concede that I thought it was… alright.
I only had four hours’ sleep, but I feel fine. And, although I have exams in a week and an addictive MMORPG to play, I’m bored. Now I realise that, as always, these courses that I spent upwards of 50 hours each on are all reducible to a few A4...
The powers of my garden are infecting me (very in-jokey). Behold, probably not the originally intended use for’s services, but definitely the most immature.
As in, the act of being busy. Dear gods am I busy. And I haven’t even started revising yet… Also, Guild Wars is fantastic ^_^ Also, my hard disk died this morning. Goodbye 8,000 MP3s, 50GB of anime, 4GB of wallpapers… Also, and finally this time, there are memes. The...
Somehow, this place feels uneasy at the moment… Like we’re all a bit on edge. And I don’t know why.
I’m not sure why, but today… as rain drizzles to the ground outside, and the house feels cold and lonely… I’m feeling angsty again, despite the season. It’s the first time in a long time that everyone else has been busy; except for me, sitting on my own, doing nothing....
Well, as yesterdays are wont to do, yesterday finished. I think today is a little cloudier, and a little lonlier, than yesterday was. Still, it’s to be expected. If every day was like yesterday, it wouldn’t have been special. So, it’s time to go on with life after a day-long...
In the end, the afternoon and evening were better than enjoyable. Really, I can hardly think of a way in which the day has been imperfect. Nearly everyone was here, and we had so much fun in the afternoon sunlight and the warm evening. There was pizza, and cake and...
Today just keeps feeling better and better as it goes on, although I can’t really describe why. Somehow, the cleaning and washing up and food shopping I’m about to do feel like they might even be fun. Everything’s sunny, and happy, and shining, without exception. And speaking of shiny, the...
Yet again, dandelion seeds blow in the wind and the sun beats down from a brilliant blue sky. I’m so glad to celebrate at this time of year, when the world glitters so wonderfully… Side note: If you’ve used or recently, you’ll probably realise that they now check...