Blog — Page 64
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
And so, suddenly, it was May again. A warm breeze blew across the garden and in through the window, mingling with the bright sunshine that set the sky alight. There’s barely a second of time that isn’t heralded by birdsong from the rooves and treetops. My room’s slowly being decorated...
The air outside is hot, and thick, and full of the hands of dandelion clocks. Yet it doesn’t smell like thunder. It smells like cities. Strange smell. Also, our landlord is retarded. He came ‘round today to put new lino down in the kitchen. Unfortunately he just put it down...
Sorry for not having posted in the last week or so… I’m afraid nothing especially exciting has been happening. There was my grandad’s funeral, which was… funeral-like, and plenty of Uni work, and seeing friends, and… that’s about it. There’s always been stuff going on, but it’s not seemed like...
Well, looks like I’m slowly getting over the ‘flu thing… I haven’t got my appetite back yet though. If my stomach’s reading this, get back to your normal cake-devouring ability quickly, plzkthx. Anyways, this morning I managed to get my essay in on time, which was good at least. Scarily,...
Yeah, um, I just got a phone call I wasn’t quite expecting. My grandad just died. I guess we weren’t all that close and all, but I still wonder if the fact I’m not feeling especially emotional is a bad thing…
No real patience for a proper entry, so I’m afraid I’m just going to spam stuff about the last week. Bournemouth meet was fantastic and awesome and stuff. Great to see everyone again! We danced to Scorpion Fire, go us. Unfortunately I had flu-like things so didn’t enjoy it as...
Not much to report at the moment, I’m at my parents house and relegated to using their 56k pay-per-minute dialup for less than an hour every few days. Now for the odd bit. A memory resurfaced the other day of my first year at primary school, when we were being...
I’ll avoid posting too much here, both because my words probably can’t do it justice and because most readers of my blog aren’t interested in in-character stuff anyway. Suffice to say that the last five days have been fantastic. I guess it may well be the ultimate in geekdom, but...
First off - today I took a trip to Bournemouth to see people there, which was awesome. While there, we watched something that seemed to be In Nomine the movie, starring Neo. Apparently there was supposed to be a character called John Constantine in the film, but it must have...