Semicolon Rage

This is an pretty old post from my blog, which has been preserved in case its content is of any interest. You might want to go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.

Yesterday, I had a simple if statement. It looked like this:

if ((Frames.FramesLdPtr>Frames.FramesUlPtr) && (InterPFlags.RequestInitialisation==0))
    doSomeStuff(); // with function and variable names that might be classified =S

This should not trigger under normal circumstances, but for some reason it triggered repeatedly, every second or so. Breakpointing inside the if block, FramesLdPtr and FramesUlPtr were always zero. RequestInitialisation was always zero. I was stumped.

I spent several hours checking to see if LdPtr or UlPtr could be being changed by the other processor in the system – maybe LdPtr was flicking to 1 long enough to trigger the if statement, then going back to zero again. But no.

I commented out the right-hand half of the if statement, and lo! It worked – i.e. didn’t trigger repeatedly – again! But there’s not even any code to set RequestInitialisation anything other than zero, and besides, it’s an AND statement, so removing the right-hand side couldn’t stop it triggering.

I spent yet more hours figuring out if memory was being corrupted, or if the values could be being distorted by there being a breakpoint there.

And then I’d run out of our own code to blame. I began to wonder if the chip couldn’t access its own external memory properly, or if logic itself was somehow broken in my compiler.

Then I had a cup of tea. And through the wonder of caffeine, I beheld the truth. My code actually looked like this:

if ((Frames.FramesLdPtr>Frames.FramesUlPtr) && (InterPFlags.RequestInitialisation==0));

Now, I understand perfectly why that extra semicolon breaks it. And now I know why commenting out the right-hand side fixed it – I commented out the semicolon too. And I can almost understand why someone would want to put a block of code between curly braces without any kind of if/while/for/etc. attached to it.

But why, dear compiler, why in the name of Xenu’s testicles does an if statement with no content not at least generate a warning?



Stephen Jenkins 06 February 2010

ah, the limitless rage you get from stupid little errors that are so simple you completelyl ignore the possibility that they could be the problem.

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