Your System is Compromised

This is an pretty old post from my blog, which has been preserved in case its content is of any interest. You might want to go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.

I’ve spent much of the last few months resolutely not commenting on the NSA spying scandal, Edward Snowden, PRISM and all the other revelations that have been published by the Guardian and the New York Times recently.

NSA Seal

While 99% of the population continue without knowing or caring what the implications of the spy programmes are, the revelations have caused a surge in the number of people telling the world — largely online, for irony’s sake — how stunned they are that their trust has been violated by the spy apparatus of their state.

Here’s the “tl;dr” version for all the busy novice cypherpunks out there, and you’re not going to like it: You should not have expected privacy in the first place.

Before I go further, I’ll address the obvious riposte to that — that in the US, the Fourth Amendment prevents the state from spying on its own citizens, and the NSA is clearly in violation of this. But other states have no restrictions whatsoever on spying on Americans. Is it any better to be spied on by GCHQ? What about China? The NSA does not have a monopoly on massive electronic dragnets.

So here’s the long version. If you feel like there should be a secure way of communicating online without state security apparatus knowing and recording it, this is the magnitude of the task you have ahead of you.

Companies involved in PRISM (pic: Gawker Media)

Certificate Authority list in Firefox 23.0

The fact of the matter is, if you trusted that your communications were safe from the national security apparatus of a state, particularly your own, you were almost certainly wrong. For privacy fans like myself, the sad news is that countries always have and always will invest vast amounts of time and money on building and maintaining their surveillance capabilities. Large companies will always be given incentives or demands to assist the state in which they operate. And there is very little that the individual privacy-conscious citizen can do about it.

US Inflation-adjusted Defence Spending, from Wikimedia Commons, CC-by 3.0

If you want a guarantee of absolute privacy, you must trust every algorithm you use, every piece of hardware and software that handles your data, and everyone you communicate with. But you don’t.

Somewhere, somehow, your communication system is compromised.

Maintaining your privacy online is simply a matter of risk management — for each of the possible vectors by which your privacy could be compromised, which do you care about, and which can you do something about? If you’re an international diplomat with a Huawei 3G dongle, are you being spied upon by China? If you’re a Fourth Amendment nut, does the government read your Facebook? If you’re a business traveller, is your host’s network searching your email for company confidential information?

Assess the privacy risks and manage them. Don’t insist on absolute privacy, or you will find yourself unable to communicate with anyone. And don’t pretend absolute privacy was something you ever had.


Hear, hear. And it's not like this is an entirely new state of affairs either - curtain twitching neighbours, pickpockets and peeping toms pre-date the invention of the integrated circuit.

That being said, the scales are definitely in the wrong place at the moment. It would probably be extremely bad for society if I, a random fool with a bit of computing knowledge and an interest in privacy could keep secrets from international governments, there are other organisations and people (random criminals, spyware, marketers, bored script kiddies) that I'd like to be able to keep secrets from (bank account details, my physical location, shopping habits) and am not at all convinced that I can.

Agreed, part of the problem with deliberately compromising hardware or software is that once the vulnerability is discovered by one person, it often ends up in the wild where it becomes usable by those with more nefarious purposes. (Assuming for a moment that the purposes of the NSA and friends don't qualify as nefarious.)

It takes a lot of effort for the end user to secure their bank/card details and physical location — remembering to check that websites use SSL, turning off "use my location" on mobile apps, etc. — and it's inevitable that people will slip up. The saying that "nothing is forgotten on the Internet" is true not only of kids' embarrassing status updates but this kind of stuff too.

And by this point, I think our shopping habits are a bit of a lost cause!

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