Bill of Materials

The bill of materials for the Billy Bass Sat Nav / Bluetooth Bass project is shown below.

I’ve provided links to the places I bought the parts from—these are not necessarily the best prices or the quickest delivery; you may prefer to get things from other online suppliers, or support your local hobby shops, etc. If you’re thinking of swapping to different components, please read the footnotes.

Component Quantity Supplier Cost (GBP)
Big Mouth Billy Bass 15th Anniversary Edition 1 1 Amazon 30.90
Custom PCB 2 1 JLC PCB 2.00
ESP-32 30P Devkit 3 1 AliExpress 3.15
MAX98357A Audio Amplifier 1 AliExpress 1.27
TB6612 DRV8833 Motor Driver Board 1 AliExpress 1.19
JST-XH Connector Female 2-pin 2 AliExpress 2.05
JST-XH Connector Female 4-pin 1 (see above kit)  
JST-XH Connector Female 6-pin 1 (see above kit)  
PCB Header Strip (Male) 1 AliExpress 0.52
  1. The 15th Anniversary edition (sings “I Will Survive”) definitely has JST-XH connectors, I believe the Alexa-enabled one may do as well. Older models are not necessarily connectorised internally, so you may have to terminate the wires yourself if using an older variant. 

  2. Gerber files can be downloaded here. Drill files are included. All the default options were used during the ordering process, e.g. 1.6mm depth, 2-sided PCB. Minimum order quantity was 5 so I have some spares; if you’re in the UK drop me an email and I will post you one for free. 

  3. There are lots of different variants of ESP32 “Devkit” boards, with different numbers of pins and different layouts. The PCB design is based on the 30-pin board which is one of the options on the product page linked above. If you’re in any doubt, make sure the board and its pinout looks exactly like this one, checking all the power connectors and pin numbers. (Original source: Mischianti). 

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