Dreaming Awake Tabletop Intro Paragraph

Welcome to Avalon; a wonderful world, a magical world, a world where dreams come true. The patchwork of a planet that lies before you is at once a rugged cloth and a majestic tapestry, an intertwining network of stories that branch, knot and dance their way to their conclusions. Anything you dream, anything you want, anything you can imagine is real here. And in time you'll come to realise the myriad reasons why that's not always a good thing.

It's a beautiful world, a glittering world, just like a fairytale. In fact it is every fairytale and so much more besides, all unravelling and becoming real around you. Unless, of course, you happen to believe that they've always been real. After all... in a world that is only story, who's to say what's real and what's not?

Who, indeed.

That would be you.

From the top of this hill, it feels like you can see for­ever as your eyes cast their gaze across the green woods and golden fields, all the way to the hori­zon and the sky of deep­est blue. The sun beats down strongly, no surprise in a region that the locals call the Sun­shine Plains, and it glit­ters play­fully over the rip­pling river that rises where you stand and threads its way across the land through vil­lage after village.

The near­est of these is one they call Arca­dia. By local stan­dards it’s a big place, for it sup­ports nearly fifty cit­i­zens and even boasts its own weekly mar­ket — which, it seems, would explain the colour­ful flags and pen­nants that dec­o­rate the vil­lage today. Peo­ple from all around the coun­try­side are already flock­ing there, and in the dis­tance the first of the mer­chants’ wag­ons are mak­ing their way to Arca­dia too.

From the youngest to the eldest, vil­lager and for­eigner, every­one is in espe­cially high spir­its today. Today is no ordi­nary mar­ket day — it’s the day everyone’s looked for­ward to for a year. A day when every­one is rejoic­ing; a day when every­one feels blessed to be alive. Today is the Fes­ti­val of the Sun, the begin­ning of Sum­mer. Down in the vil­lage, the prepa­ra­tions are just get­ting started. It’ll be a day to remem­ber, for sure!

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