Home Sweet Home (OC Chat Thread)

This is an out-of-character game thread from Changeling: In Love and War. (This page is not Creative Commons licenced.)


Behold the Out of Character chat thread. Anything goes; have fun!



Nyano: Ready to play.
Hugh: Ready to play.
Azimov: Ready to play.
Gustaffsen: Ready to play.
Ilandra: Ready to play.
???: Currently waiting for a character concept (elegy_of_flames)


Burn your eyes with colour! A shiny list of the characters currently in the game can be found at:



Okay, while we wait for the rest of the characters to show up, I'm
starting some prologue threads. Since they're just to kill time,
I'm not expecting anything major to happen in them - but feel free to
come up with major stuff if you like!


Would have posted this yeasterday but due to a computer crash I lost the post halfway through. Soz.

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

The potatos have a hacker division! Deploy the ice!


The potato slips on the black ice, careers into the wall, and takes 4 damage!


I'll be away at Maelstrom
between midday tomorrow and Tuesday night, so no posting from me during
that time. Similar, I guess, for Racheet and Andy.

Sorry! And remember to catch some potatoes while I'm gone!


Back now, as are Racheet and Andy. Postpostpostpostpost!


Woot! Woot! Woot!

Mayday festival! singing, dancing, costumes and all is rightr with the world for a few hours ^_^.


Okies just to let you know I'll be away from my computer till thursday
next week due to stuff which you all know cause most of you will be
there with me for some or all of it. So I guess this is a really
kinda pointless post :D

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

Mmmmmmm pointlesspost.

Seconded! :D


I don't see how that is a valid excuse... I don't use a computer... (joke)

have fun at maelstrom folks!


Right everyone, I'm sorry for the long delay. Whatever the GM
equivalent of writer's block is, it hit me hard. I blame the
exams! Still, no more exams for me, so the game should continue
at proper pace now!

Nyano hasn't been played for nearly two months now - much longer and
he'll be NPCd until such time as Racheet starts to play again.

Domina's character is still non-existent. Given her current
situation, that's quite understandable. But if you're reading
this, Domina, you're still very welcome to play!


Right you 'orrible^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H lovely little bunch of slackers =p

Ilandra, Azimov, Nyano, and the Geordie all have things to be doing and
posts to be making. My apologies to Ilandra for the delay in my
own post, but the other three - it's your turn! Gogogogo!

(Please don't let this game die ;;_;;)

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

Aaal reet, aaal reet, keep yor hair on!


Oh great mark, toss the Crossbow out the window why don't you.
Now i'm gonna have to come up with another method for opening that
door. I mean months of planning out the window...

*Sound of bass drum going boom boom*

Oh well I've got a new one so all is ok :D


in case anyone is wondering about house honeysuckle's neutral status...
the honeysuckle plant has many medicinal qualities so it acts as a
field hospital to anyone who needs shelter...


Welcome and welcome back to the game. Please enjoy yourself, and have as much fun as you can.

Oh and watch out for the Verr¸ckte Armee der Kartoffeln, die um das
Schlo? laufen und versuchen, Wirklichkeit zu zerstˆren, wie wir sie

Oh and one final reminder Bitte bet‰tigen nicht die grosse rote Taste. Danke.


*blink, blink* "Watch out for the crazy army of potatoes that are
running around the castle and seeking to destroy reality as we know
it?" Wow, I wasn't aware that their goals were that far-reaching....

I imagine Akane will be heading to Chateau Honeysuckle first to
angst...bugger. I didn't realize when I came up with her that running
off before the war means she's now going to find out they all died. I
wanted to avoid angst! Avoid, I say!

But when she runs into the potatoes, I'll be sure to look for signs that their plans include the obliteration of the universe ^^

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

Surely that's why they've gone for the weather control device?


They could be attempting to artificially induce growing season in
Faerie so as to procure the best meteorological conditions for them to
be fruitful and multiply and found an independent potato nation? :P



They're a race of potato people created by a knocker. You think they think that clearly and normally.


Come to think of it, nooo.... But what's the point of destroying the
world as we know if you're not around afterwards to laugh maniacally
and poke the ruins with a big stick? :P


well... nocker inventions seem to be rather flawed (remember the
watch?) so i'd assume the potatoes wouldn't actually care if there were
people left behind too much... and besides, you'll prove useful for
ilandra's plan!


Hey dude,

Just wondering, is that the end of our thread or shall we carry
on? If so, do we want to do the telephone conversation? etc


I don't mind, it's up to you guys. I was kind of hoping Akane
would get a move on with some prologue, but everyone else's prologues
are at a convenient ending, so we could, in theory, move on to the
*actual game* and have her join in a bit later.
Or we could draw out your prologue while we wait for her. Do you have cool stuff in mind?


An explanation: Two types of IC threads!

Righty, now we're into the game proper - not that further
potato-related hijinks are banned, or anything - I'll explain one thing
in particular that I wanted to do. Slowness is the death of
online games, so I'm splitting IC threads into two br /> Plot, and Event.

A plot thread will be for one or a few characters who are doing
something quite specific that needs them to post regularly. These
won't do anything without the players posting, but since there'll only
be a small number of players in the thread, this shouldn't be too much

An event thread (like the one that appeared today) is for any character
who feels like being (and can feasibly be) present. However, to
avoid massive slow-down, these threads will advance even if nobody is posting.
I'll keep my posts regular and spaced apart to allow characters to do
plenty in between. However, if you don't post, your character is
just assumed not to be doing anything interesting.

(Thoughts on this way of doing things are much appreciated!)


wow!!!! there are three honeysuckle bushes outside our
flat... I hadn't noticed them up until now, 'cos they've only
just started blooming and I rarely ever go that way. That's so

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

"Ian: Thread re-org, please don't post for a few minutes"

Rage against the machine!!!!


In Soviet Russia, Machine rage against YOU!!


I get the feeling that I'm waiting for a reply to my threads and Ian's waiting for a reply on my threads. IS this true :)


I was holding the V-team thread for a bit while everyone else catches
up... As for the Uber-tuber, I was still wondering what on earth
to do for that thread =p Do you have any suggestions as to where
the Uber-tuber might go, or what he's capable of in his super-secret
lair? I know what he *does*, I just don't know where or at who
you might want him to do it!


The game! It lives!


Shocking degrees of organisation have occurred!

I've collated all the important Changeling-related cruft on my website,
along with a summary page for new characters to catch up easily.

Character Generation rules: /rpgs/in-love-and-war/ians-modified-changeling-rules
Background Info: /rpgs/in-love-and-war/fairyland-background-info
Intro Story ('Let the Games Begin'): /fiction/let-the-games-begin
New Character Catch-up: /rpgs/in-love-and-war/in-love-and-war-stuff-characters-know


*Cough cough*

It's cause I had little internet access honest. It's not cause I forgot the web address or anything like that...

*looks shifty*


Congratulations everybody, "In Love and War" now officially has more posts than God!

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

But fewer than the Royal Mail. Bad luck fairies.


meh, could be worse


Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall typed:But fewer than the Royal Mail. Bad luck fairies.
Yeah, but at least none of the Changeling players have gone on strike yet =p


Right, we *finally* have an updated V-Team thread. Sorry for the
epic delay, I've just had no ideas for the thread at all until now =S

At last everyone is on the same day as each other, which probably means
intense pestering is going to put Ilandra and Nyano a day ahead *again*
now, but hey.

Also, was bored the other day so there's a new info page up: Fairyland's Tech Level


Well, I wouldn't nag if my attention span hadn't significantly
shortened as a side-effect of my mental illness and the drugs I take
for said mental illness...

Least now we know that depression gives people insanely short attention spans so I have a good excuse for it...


Does this mean I turn into an ordinary Racoon upon arriving on earth, until we convince people otherwise?

That sounds a bit crap...


That one's going to get complicated. I can't really see it
working that Nyano's personality gets scrubbed - he'd still think like
he always has. But since the humans will think of him as a normal
raccoon, doing non-raccoony things (like talking) will require
overcoming their banality.

Sneak off and leave raccoony post-it notes for people? =p


They'd be in French, I remember clarifying that he doesn't speak
english during character gen. That would be strange and awesome.

Random French post it notes. The thing is, he'd have to procure himself a sword like thing from somewhere and maybe a hat.

I'm thinking maybe a fireplace poker and a colander with a feather in
it. They'd have to take me seriously if I had a sword and a hat! And
when they do, I can speak French at them!


*conspires to make this happen*


There! Are we happy now?!?


Saledenre typed:There! Are we happy now?!?
Are we? I don't know. I am!

I think there's been more posts tonight than in the last month =p


Oh I'm never happy...

But thanks for the postage and sorry if i've upset you...


That's ok - I'm sorry about being snappy; you just managed to catch me
at a bad time (long, highly stressful week at work ending on a day
where I didn't finish 'til just before 7pm), although that's no excuse,
really, for me getting angry at you.

Please remember, though, that I can't whittle stuff off for Saledenre
at the drop of a hat; I prefer to write stuff I'm happy with and have
thought through rather than just writing stuff for the sake of writing
it. It was a lucky thing that I'd been considering what to write
for that post for a few days. It's just the way I write, hon, and
I ask that you please respect that.

I will, of course, try to write as often as I can but a lot of the time
I'm so tired out by work that I find it difficult to formulate stuff
and type it up - I mean, I haven't been able to write my own stuff for
_months_ even though I have all the ideas in my head.


Got bored today, crappy unedited background-wank is here:



A fit of boredom hit me, and I decided to word-count the entire
game. We've just passed the 1400 post mark, and have a total of
almost 180,000 words of IC text. That's 3.6 times long enough to
be a standard novel.

It's also, incidentally, nearly a third the length of War and
Peace. Which, considering the larger volume spans eight years,
and we're on day 4, is not bad going at all.


More fluff. This time, a children's story!


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