Ebb and Flow

This is a very old post from my blog; so old that it was originally hosted on LiveJournal. The page has been preserved in case its content is of any interest, but formatting errors are likely and the page's original comments have been lost. Please go back to the homepage to see the current contents of this site.

So… an interesting day by all accounts. I intended to spend all day revising for my Energy & Matter exam, and I did get quite a bit of revision done this morning. In the afternoon, Eric invited myself, Nick and Fez to have a picnic on the Common - which was awesome. We went into town later and played some DDR, which was also awesome, and I found out that Fez is friends with Myst, and he also knows about IIDX and stuff as well! So strike three for the Southampton Bemani community - yep, that’s right, there’s a whole three of us that I know of ^_^; Whilst in Sega Park, we met another person, John, who bought us all drinks at Shakeaway! So… whoa. Today’s been absolutely awesome…

Except for Linux is pissing me off right now. Ah, I’m not even going to get started on this particular rant here. Suffice to say I’m currently running in an OS with no support for MP3s, no way of accessing the other partition with all my stuff on it, and no OpenGL support. So I’m off to go and burn yet more CDs in an attempt to get an OS I can actually stand to work with. On the plus side, it’s keeping my busy ^_^ And of course I can revise while waiting for the install…