The Quantum Physics exam was odd. To start with I turned up to the wrong place (damn this Uni for having two sports halls!) and had to run to the right one. I thought I screwed up the exam when I saw the latter half of part A and realised I couldn’t do any of it - it was all on the electron spin stuff that I hadn’t revised. Looking at the section B questions my heart sank - I didn’t think i could do any of them. But, it turns out, I’m better at working stuff out from first principles than I thought! And by the end of both B questions, I think I had perfect solutions. So, even though I lost 8 marks just by not revising the right stuff, I left the exam feeling really really good! That kind of ecstatic feeling you get when you realise you’ve done something impressive, and you’ve worked it all out yourself…
Anyway, that’s it for the exams. Next week’s going to be a little weird though… Everyone else is still revising like crazy, but I have nothing to do… Mostly I guess I’ll be sleeping, writing, watching anime and playing games, but that tends to leave me with that horrible “I’ve just wasted an entire week” feeling…