So, super fun dreams last night… I think I managed to have two pretty-much-complete dreams last ngiht.
The first seemed to be some kind of comedy sketch show, which ended up with a scene in which the Prime Minister was giving some speech about a new bill to do with children, in a school assembly…
Then the other dream… it’s fading from my mind now, but I definitely remember it as a vaguely epic-fantasy style thing… I seem to want to compare it to Nausicaa, probably because it involved a lot of flying, on something that might have been vaguely like Mehve… It also involved stone circles prominently (possibly brought about by having read The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett recently. The dream ended with me having to get something (some small package, I don’t know what it was) to some point above a stone circle, in order for… something to happen. I don’t know what, because that was when I woke up…
Anyway, today’s fun! In a minute I’ll get dressed and have lunch, and finally get around to baking that cake! Hopefully it’ll go well, since I’ve got no weighing scales and no whisk… Also, hopefully I won’t be asked to go out tonight… I know I’m supposed to celebrate the end of my exams and that, but… I guess I just… don’t enjoy going out all that much… I don’t know why staying in, surfing the ‘net and using IRC is more fun… Actually, yeah, maybe I do. IRC involves interacting with people. Sitting on my own in a club, unable to hear anyone talk and having nothing to say to anyone, doesn’t.