I have a Classical Mechanics exam in an hour’s time. Revision? No, that would be sensible. Instead, I’m playing Kanon. I guess, after all, I’m fairly confident about the exam now. A productive half-hour yesterday reduced the entire book into one A4 sheet of formulae, which I think I now know all of. So hopefully, the exam should be okay. But in the same way that I didn’t feel like anything important was happening in the build-up to Christmas, somehow I don’t seem to feel that the exams are that important, either…
Sad Girls in Classical Mechanics
This is a very old post from my blog; so old that it was originally hosted on LiveJournal. The page has been preserved in case its content is of any interest, but formatting errors are likely and the page's original comments have been lost. Please go back to the homepage to see the current contents of this site.