WEEDY MCWEEDY, unable to join the ARMY (AMERICA, FUCK YEAH) the normal way, decides to enlist as a SUPER-SOLDIER (AMERICA, FUCK YEAH) created using SECRET NAZI STEROIDS (AMERICA, FUCK YEAH).
He angsts for a bit in a DORKY COSTUME (AMERICA, FUCK YEAH) before deciding to blow up MOST OF EUROPE (AMERICA, FUCK YEAH).
“Doctor Zola! Sound the Octo-alert!”
By the Numbers:
- Captain America costume ridiculousness, when on a real person: 275
- Red Skull red skull ridiculousness: 304
- Elrond: 1
- Tommy Lee Jones: 1
- More films we need with Howard Stark in them: Many
- Nick Fury badassery: Still astronomical
- Objections my brain made to Odin-powered super-laser tanks in 1942: 0
- Objections my brain made to afterburning jet engines and long range plane-mounted radar in 1942: 2
- Explosions: over 9,000(,000)
- Motorbikes jumping explosions: 26
- Physics: lol
- Guys that reminded me of Mecha Hitler: 5
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