Radio Shack

This page describes my “radio shack” and other ham radio equipment, along with providing some links to other radio-related pages below.

Radio Shack Setup A photo of the “shack” (one end of a desk), circa 2021

Antenna Setup

I discovered the ham radio hobby though some of my previous radio-related projects, primarily using AIS, ADS-B and APRS packet data for tracking. I got my Foundation licence during Covid lockdown, then went for Intermediate and Full in the following years to expand the list of interesting things I can do!

At home I usually work HF SSB, primarily chasing portable or special event stations rather than having long ragchews. I have a high level of QRM there so I also use weak signal digital modes and can often be found passing the time on 40m/20m/10m JS8 or FT8. Equipment there for HF is a Yaesu FT-840 transceiver and auto tuner, with a 9:1 unun and 13m of “random wire” strung down my small garden at about 3m high. For VHF/UHF I have a Yaesu FT-7800 and Diamond X-50 antenna.

A picture of me operating from a field with an HF dipole antenna

Outside of home I am a regular activator for POTA, WWFF etc. when time allows. Equipment for outdoors is a Yaesu FT-891 and Sotabeams Band Hopper II inverted V dipole or JPC-12 vertical. I have also very much enjoyed doing Jamboree on the Air with the Scouts for the first time in 2024.

Me sat on a plank of wood with radio in hand, view of Poole behind me

Outside of the ham bands, I also use radio systems professionally, both for data and for marine VHF voice communication. I try my best not to say the wrong things on the wrong service…

I confirm all QSOs via LOTW, eQSL, Clublog & I’m also happy to exchange cards direct (e-mail me for postal address) or via Bureau - just let me know if you want one.

See you on the air

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