Blog — Page 39
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
Tonight’s dinner: Pan-fried venison with a port wine and mushroom sauce, new potatoes, breaded garlic mushrooms and peas. Venisonsquee! However, being as it was farmed rather than wild, the meat was a bit ‘meh’, rather than the gamier taste of wild venison. What worries me is that, from this sentence,...
Tomorrow, I will be voting for this man. I am trying hard to pretend that his facial hair has not influenced my vote. I am also tempted to vote for the woman who does not exist.
Spring has come around once more, and almost by surprise has filled me with the same emotions that it always has. Sitting around in a t-shirt and shorts; walking home in the evening as the sun sinks low over the horizon, surrounded by a myriad of flowers; smiling and having...
Yay! Another great Maelstrom event. And now, another day of weirdness and finding it strange talking to people that are not part of the strange shared hallucination. Also, I am really never going to get used to being called “Father Tsuki”.
Changeling Players! At long last, the party is about to begin! The game is not dead, long live the game! Hurrah! Etcetera! Sorry for taking so long! Thread’s here!
Another year, another three days of anime faggotry alcoholism. And now, despite being thoroughly knackered, I have to go to work and pretend to be conscious. Also, with estate agents coming on Wednesday morning, we now have two days to make the flat presentable - a feat I have not...
Spring is in the air, flowers are blooming; what better time than to begin organising a party in four months’ time? Here goes… You are cordially invited to... The most important (sand-related) party of the year... Ian and Eric's INCREDIBLE BEACH ADVENTURE!! To be an multiple-day extravaganza of all things...
Now that dream was… depressing. I was an old man, going to the same pub with the same friends as I’d had for countless years. We talked about the past, all the memories we had and the ones we’d lost, and we talked about the future and retirement and what...