Blog — Page 66
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
I’m not sure why tonight seemed so oddly perfect, but… it just did. Nothing particularly special happened, but perhaps that was part of what made it perfect - simply that everyone was there, and everything was just as my imagination would suggest that it should be. One of the many...
I wonder if maybe I shouldn’t drink alcohol before I go to bed… For the last week there’s been bottles of cider lying around, and since I’m the only one in the house who drinks cider I’ve been having a few glasses each night to finish it off. But last...
Sorry for a week of no updates… Not an awful lot’s happened, really. On Friday night, people came round to watch some of the worst films ever made (allegedly). Much fun! And, er, actually I quite like ‘Plan 9 from Outer Space’… ^_^; I went back home to see my...
For the third time in two days, it’s snowing outside… That thick, fairytale-like snow that blows around on the breeze as it drifts towards the ground - that kind of snow that barely looks real, it looks like the only place it belongs is in the props department for a...
In character, there was a party. Out of character, there was a party. In character, there was alcohol. Out of character, there was alcohol. In character, I seem to have managed something that I’m still incapable of out of character. Maybe this is an experience that’ll make that kind of...
Good News: I have another short story lined up after I (hopefully imminently) finish the two I’m currently working on, and - this is a new thing for me - it WON’T BE ANGSTY. Got that? Beat me with haddock if I even verge on making it the slightest bit...
Valentine’s Day, ptah! I’ll defeat you all with my super Perpetually-Single-Person Angst Powers! Tries to will himself to have laser eye beams
I just had a fantastic dream… I can’t really remember what the story was now, but it seemed to involve an awful lot of things that were on my mind, combining them into what must have been an hour-long story that ended with me feeling an almost perfect sense of...
Today, even waking up at 8.30 and going to lectures in subjects I don’t really like seemed fun. Walking through the city, dressed in only jeans and a t-shirt, feeling the sun on my face as I looked up at the blue sky, and contemplating the fun that lies ahead...
I can’t really be bothered to do a proper update right now, but still… Last week was insanely busy, despite the fact I had no work to do. I don’t think I managed much more than a few hours to myself over the whole week, and… I guess that’s probably...