Young HP LOVECRAFT visits HIS FATHER in a MENTAL ASYLUM, where the FATHER largely rants about a MAD ARAB and a BOOK that must be destroyed. HOWARD, traumatised by the experience, is wisely given his father’s MAGIC SPELLBOOK which teleports him to the “Frozen Kingdom” of R’YLEH.
By the Numbers
- Old Ones renamed “Spot”: 1
- Adorable pet Cthulhu mounts: 1
- Deep One Ice Climbers: 2
- Squishy fish for dinner: 70
- Snowthulhus built: 1
- Wild West snowball showdowns with evil gods: 1
- Seconds of needless animation-budget-saving build up to Wild West showdown: 206
- Bullet time: what
- ”Dodge this!”: Yep
- Minutes of random cartoon flashback (when they really ran out of animation budget): 5
- Mountains of Madness: 3
- Super Fun Happy Slides of Madness: 1
- Shoggoths voiced by Ron Perlman: Present
- Time taken between noticing the Elder Sign and going splat, seconds: 0.4
- Girls called Abdul: 1
- Nyarlathoteps just casually chilling in the background: 1
- Goblins slapped to death by tiny Deep Ones: Yeah, that happened
: That too
/ 5
“Did you know a shoggoth can squish a penguin?!”
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