Blog — Page 58
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
The wind blows coldly from grey horizon to grey horizon, and the neverending threat of rain looms over the sky. The kind of weather, the kind of day that saps the spirits and clenches its tight and dreary grasp around our hearts. Summer is over, autumn has come with its...
Two moments of public lollage today, much to my embarassment. The first, at the train station… Rammstein (in headphones): “Let me see you stripped…” guy next to me starts taking off his jacket And secondly, on the billboard advertising today’s Echo headlines… “Accident shears off bus roof! 414 jobs inside.”...
Programs written: 2 Programs that work: 1 Computers fixed: 0 Short stories written: 1. My latest effort is some kind of back-story for Knife. Here goes: Initiation. Enjoy!
I just uttered the words “you know, this would be a lot easier in C.” I feel dirty now. hiding in the corner from Adam’s inevitable riposte ^_^
Another week of work done, and only two more to go. Still, two weeks is long enough. There’s really nothing I want more in the world than to be back in Southampton soon… This weekend was a party for Ant’s birthday and his last weekend before he heads off to...
More DARPG stuff dumped from my brain onto paper - and thus also on the web. Dreaming Awake Tabletop Game Rules Looking for feedback on these, by the way, from any roleplayers out there with a few minutes of spare time. What have I missed? What’s explained well, and what’s...
I did something useful today. Not work, you realise, because there’s precious little of that to do. Instead, in readiness for the Dreaming Awake game this year, I present: Part One of the rules! Today: Character Creation. Tomorrow: Playing the Game! For players who haven’t read it already: Dreaming Awake...
I continue to be bored. I continue to spend most of my days filling in forms. I continue to smile involuntarily whenever my colleagues refer to the computer I’m working on as “Unit 01”, and they continue to not know why. I need to get back to Southampton again…
As the majority of readers aren’t interested in in-character stuff, I’ll avoid a full report of the weekend. Also I’m just starting to crash, so I can’t be bothered with writing a lot. (At least crashing now will mean I can go to work fully out-of-character tomorrow, which is probably...
The number of my friends who have had work published grows once again, and I’m getting left behind! Looks like I need to excavate some talent from wherever deep in my mind such a thing might hopefully lurk. On the subject of hope, I’m afraid my latest short-story-fragment-thing features rather...