Blog — Page 58
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
Tonight, I will be mostly eating… Instant ramen. </jesse> I put this down to, uh, post-modernist irony? Something like that, anyway… Still, sometime in the next week or so I plan to cook some kind of uber roast dinner, so that should get the gods of culinary good taste back...
I’m here. I’m back. I’m home. So much to do, so much to say… If there is only one thing I do this year; only one thing I achieve, it will be this - I will indelibly etch every thought, every feeling, and every emotion that we experience together so...
Already I’m feeling the irresistable pull… Tomorrow, I’m going home. I’m going to see friends again, and life will be full again after too many empty nine-‘til-fives, Mondays-to-Fridays. Each IM conversation, each ‘phone call, each text message, they all bring me closer. In only twelve hours, I’ll be up and...
The skies overhead are steel-grey and uniform, an almost perfect mirror to their concrete and tarmac cousins on the ground. Even the wind, blowing around me and through me and filling my lungs like ice, feels sleeting and grey. Car headlights, always on in the evenings now, reflect from puddles...
Yet another day of high-velocity panic. Unit 01 is falling to pieces more and more rapidly, and it’s supposed to be delivered on Thursday… (People making Evangelion references will be shot. And posthumously applauded.) P.S. Someone needs to buy me this. And a new house to put it in. Cray...
I learnt two important things yesterday. Firstly, I learnt how to sew. Sort of, anyway. So that’s good! ^_^ Secondly, I learnt that whoever invented the hakama must have been a person who never, ever had to wash one. Such a pain! Glad I only have to do this four...
So today, it finally decided to be sunny again. My mission for today: Do something, anything, other than moping around the house. Mission successful! I managed to spend about seven hours at my Grandma’s, helping to sort out her garden. I still don’t really like gardening very much, but nevertheless...
I apologise for the previous post. Leaving me with nothing to do at the moment is a bad idea, I seem to be getting depressed when I’m bored… Sorry! Eight days to go.
The wind blows coldly from grey horizon to grey horizon, and the neverending threat of rain looms over the sky. The kind of weather, the kind of day that saps the spirits and clenches its tight and dreary grasp around our hearts. Summer is over, autumn has come with its...
Two moments of public lollage today, much to my embarassment. The first, at the train station… Rammstein (in headphones): “Let me see you stripped…” guy next to me starts taking off his jacket And secondly, on the billboard advertising today’s Echo headlines… “Accident shears off bus roof! 414 jobs inside.”...