Blog — Page 85
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
Woohaha, I’ve finished my exams! Today’s Forces and Fields exam didn’t go so bad… I guess it was a pretty good idea to do that practice paper at the weekend… It caused a bit of trouble, but I finished well before time. And the Electronics exam yesterday, I pwned! =p...
Going into Uni in a minute for dinner, and this afternoon’s Electronics exam. I still haven’t revised yet, and really I don’t think there’s any point in me actually doing so… I’m trying for 100% here anyway, although I doubt I’ll make it at University level… worth a shot though!...
Well, I went back to my parents’ place to get some peace and quiet for revision this weekend… and yeah, it was really quiet ^^;; I did plenty of revision for the Forces & Fields exam on Tuesday, which I’m happy about… and I got lectured at twice by my...
Anxiety: First off, I’ve got a viva / viver / however you spell it for Electronics tomorrow afternoon, which’ll probably be okay, but first I’ve got to catch up with my notes from lab sessions and the project. Because I didn’t really write anything much in my lab book as...
Well, today was a really rather cool day! I had my maths exam this morning… it was sorta’ annoying that I didn’t have time to finish all the questions that I could have done, but I think I did pretty well on the stuff that I did get to answer…...
(Insert Big Brother voice-over) It’s day three in the Hinata Inn, aka Flat Four, and that lazy bastard Ian has got off his arse and done something! Yep, today… shock I… did my laundry. I attempted some revision, but I feel as if I know most of it already, to...
For the second day in a row, I haven’t had time to do my laundry. \o/ I must really stink… I did manage to go shopping today, so at least I can eat now. I didn’t do any baking, or any revision, though… and now I’ve got an annoying headache...
…not working as hard as I should, being distracted, doing nothing… I… don’t know why this is what my life is becoming… Or whether it’s a good or a bad thing… It’s almost like being outside of time, watching the hours flow past like lucid memories, my mind forgetting their...
I got nearly twice as much sleep this afternoon than I did last night… Hopefully by stocking up on food and coffee now I can manage to get some work done this evening, and hopefully I might be able to get to sleep when I need to, rather than lying...
Yay~su… Exalted went on until 2am yesterday, then add on the walk home, getting ready for bed, and waking up at 7.30 this morning - I got three and a half hours sleep last night! Since I did manage to get up at 7.30 I made the effort and went...