Billy Bass Sat Nav / Bluetooth Bass

This project takes my original “Big Mouth Phatt Bass” in a slightly different direction. A new custom PCB swaps the MP3 player for an audio amplifier, and the code has then been rewritten to take advantage of the ESP32 chip’s Bluetooth capability. The modification turns the Billy Bass into a Bluetooth audio receiver that moves its head and mouth when audio is played. Making it, of course, the ideal driving companion1.

Design Process

Key Information

Looking to recreate the project for yourself? Check out the following pages:

  1. Filmed in a private car park. Obey whatever laws you have about visibility and distracted driving in your country. You are a grown-up and it’s your decision if you want to drive around with a Billy Bass on your dashboard. 


Next step: let me score my games of crib on it too:

All you need is a drill, a pen and a willingness to totally destroy a Billy Bass! :)

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