Blog — Page 55
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
Today’s been great, up until now… Non-stop interaction with people since the moment I got up, a great game session and generally lots of having fun. And now it’s the evening. No-one’s around, wanting to do anything. Everyone’s too busy with work or things that don’t concern me. And so,...
Happy Hallowe’en / Samhain / Overly Americanised Autumn Festival to you all! Today I mostly spent recovering from the weekend - by forgetting to set my alarm, skipping two lectures and completing a problem sheet in a rush. Still, I’m feeling better now. So yay, on with life! Tonight I...
The fire that destroyed Mountbatten Building on Southampton University campus made the front page of Slashdot. I’m impressed! In case there’s anyone at Southampton Uni who doesn’t know yet, seems the best page for information. Newsmongering: EDIT: I shall cease newsmongering. SURGE are doing it better:
Sometimes I almost get to the point of resenting my blog’s existence, and today is one of those days. It’s going to be impossible for me to describe everything that’s happened in the past few days well enough to do the tirade of emotions justice. What’s more, LiveJournal has a...
(Yes, I’m afraid this is about the same situation as all my protected entries are these days…) I just read her latest blog post, the protected one entitled “Pining”. I never did stand a chance, did I? It’s probably best if I forget the whole thing, just like I managed...
Another problem sheet more-or-less done and handed in on time. Not long left now, not many things to do, before the weekend. The weekend will be awesome, I think. So why do I feel nervous…? Today on the interweb: Oh shi— Make your own Necronomicon! Civ 4 Q&A....
New story fragment “The Job Interview”: /fiction/the-job-interview (Comments welcome as always) Today on the interweb: Live-action WRYYYYY. and… Photoshopped architecture.… Dalek Builders’ Guild. Cosplay at Work.
I wonder if, perhaps, I’m being over-friendly, that she’s gone from whatever she thought about me before to finding me annoying or even creepy…? And… I’m overanalysing again, aren’t I? When the realisation of my feelings hit - and I needed to be told - I never thought it’d involve...
Years ago - four years, in fact, it seems a strangely long time - I had a feeling of what University life might be like. Warm and comfortable, studying books or taking notes, while outside rain fell and cold winds blew leaves from the trees. It turns out that, now...
Today, I tried to get my Light and Matter problem sheet done. It went pretty well, and I got quite a bit of work done. Then I took a break for coffee and chocolate, and Mark’s family came over, and we watched anime and had take-away delivered and played silly...