Blog — Page 54
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
These are some pretty old posts! I don't blog that much any more, but if they are of interest, feel free to browse. Alternatively, you can go back to the homepage to see some more recent stuff.
In Tom’s room upstairs, there’s a cross between a cupboard and a door. It’s padlocked. In the bathroom ceiling, there’s a hatch. It’s sealed shut. In the living room ceiling there’s a hatch. It opens. ~New Adventure: “Attic Exploration” START!~ Pushing the hatch open with a quarterstaff revealed only blackness...
I’m glad, so very glad, that times like this exist. Should I ever forget how wonderful my friends are and what a fantastic time I’m capable of having, all I need to do is remember days like today. I’ve decided now, I think, what life means; what’s worth striving for....
Lesson One. Do not go to bed with the beginnings of a headache. For at least two hours I drifted between sleeping and waking, while all the time the headache got worse. Every tiny fragment of sleep contained a dream in which the headache was explained by ever more disturbing...
I’ve just arrived home after running the third session of my Dreaming Awake tabletop game. And holy haddock, it just got really awesome. The players are finally beginning on the road to realising how the world works and what their place is in it - starting to accept that they...
Last night, after one of the most fun parties I’ve ever been to, I was asleep almost as soon as my head touched the pillow. I slept, and dreamed… Dreamed of the party. Slighty different, of course - we talked about different things, but it was still most certainly that...
Fed up with PlusNet’s dire service and stealth data caps, we today switched to another ADSL provider… Freedom2Surf. I suspect no-one reading this knows, remembers or cares, but I’ve had issues with them in the past - for a while they hosted my website, and I quickly took my business...
I am calm, I am happy. I am being myself and having fun. I am not worrying about things. After the last few years, this is something like a new experience for me. All it took, I guess, was a change in what I consider the point of living. I...
…just like the ‘flu. QuizYourFriends returns to my corner of the interweb, so if you have a few minutes spare, please see how you do on my quiz! Thankyou! I made a Quiz for you! Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard!
I think I have at last come to a realisation that I should have had long ago. Read on for plot exposition. It’s a long post, I’m afraid, but it’s all stuff that’s very important to me. Chapter I: Three Years Ago… (Morgan-type) Three years ago, whilst the world around...
It’s 4am. I’m shivery and cold, and I have to be up in five hours - early Saturday morning - to deal with other people’s problems. I mostly don’t mind this - after all, if it’s helping other people on the way to happiness then in the long run it’ll...